Wednesday, April 28, 2021


Students in two sections of The Secret Life of Coffee have created this virtual coffee tasting as a culminating activity in their second-year seminar. We welcome you to enjoy this event, the culmination of a semester spent learning with each other at a distance through books, films, Zoom, Blackboard, and Flipgrid.

Each student has prepared a presentation related to coffee in a single country: not just what is IN the cup, but what is BEHIND the cup. In some of these presentations, you will hear the student voices; in others you will only see the images and words with which they tell stories of coffeelands and coffee people from the wide girth of earth's coffee belt.

Coffee Belt 101 / Cafe Britt 

You are invited to enjoy the presentations while sampling recommended coffees, chocolates or tea from our shopping guide or with your own favorite beverages. Afterwards, scroll below for more features of this virtual event.

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